STM32L0 vs. STM32L1: Comparison of Two Low-Power Microcontrollers with Real-Time Clocks

March 12, 2022

Ahoy there! Are you looking for a low-power microcontroller? Then, you're in luck! Today, we'll compare two of the most popular low-power microcontrollers in the market: STM32L0 and STM32L1. In particular, we'll examine their performance regarding real-time clocks (RTCs). Let's begin!


STM32L0 is a microcontroller series produced by STMicroelectronics. It has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ core that operates at a maximum frequency of 32 MHz. One of the main features of this microcontroller is its ultra-low power consumption. It has a range of low-power modes, which allows it to operate for months or even years on a single battery. Also, it has built-in real-time clocks (RTCs), which is a crucial feature for many applications.

The RTCs of STM32L0 have an accuracy of +/- 7.8 seconds per month at 25 degrees Celsius. They have a built-in calendar and alarm features, and they can operate in low-power standby mode. Also, they have a tamper detection mechanism that can detect and prevent unauthorized access to the calendar and alarm features.


STM32L1 is another microcontroller series produced by STMicroelectronics. It has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 core that operates at a maximum frequency of 32 MHz. Like the STM32L0, its main advantage is its ultra-low power consumption. It has a range of low-power modes that allow it to operate for long periods on a single battery.

The RTCs of STM32L1 have an accuracy of +/- 5 ppm (parts per million) at 25 degrees Celsius. This is much more accurate than the RTCs of STM32L0. Also, they have a built-in calendar and alarm features, and they can operate in low-power standby mode. Furthermore, they have a feature called "backup registers" that can store data even when the microcontroller is turned off, which is useful for applications that need to retain data across power cycles.


Now, let's compare the RTCs of these two microcontrollers. As we mentioned earlier, the RTCs of STM32L1 are significantly more accurate than the RTCs of STM32L0. This makes STM32L1 ideal for applications that require precise timekeeping, such as medical devices or scientific instruments. On the other hand, the RTCs of STM32L0 are accurate enough for most applications, such as home appliances or IoT devices.

In terms of power consumption, both microcontrollers are excellent options. They have a range of low-power modes that allow them to operate for months or even years on a single battery. However, STM32L0 has a slight edge due to its lower power consumption in some low-power modes.

So, which microcontroller should you choose? It depends on your application requirements. If you need precise timekeeping, then STM32L1 is the obvious choice. However, if you don't need that level of accuracy, then you can save some money and power consumption by choosing STM32L0.


STM32L0 and STM32L1 are two excellent low-power microcontrollers with built-in RTCs. They are ideal for battery-powered applications that require long battery life and accurate timekeeping. STM32L1 has a more accurate RTC, while STM32L0 has a lower power consumption in some low-power modes. Therefore, you should choose the one that suits your application requirements.

We hope you enjoyed our comparison. In case you're interested, you can check out the references we used below.


  1. STM32L0 Series - Ultra-low-power ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU
  2. STM32L1 Series - Ultra-low-power ARM Cortex-M3 MCU
  3. STM32L0xx Reference Manual - RTC
  4. STM32L1xx Reference Manual - RTC

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